Thursday, March 19, 2009

Domestic Violence Follow Up

So let's talk about how I absolutely loved the Oprah show. Although, I wish that we could have focused on the topic wayyyy before the incident between Chris and Rihanna (But we didn't so I will get over it). Anywho...

I think that the show should be a lesson for EVERYONE, not just men, but women as well. There were several points that stood out to me. Here are a few listed below:

~Upbringing and environment of men
For me, just like "you are what you eat" you most definitely "are the company you keep." Children absorb everything that is around them so if their guardians, or whomever they are constantly around behave or communicate negatively then they will act out what they see.

~There are difficulties within relationships but it's how you deal with them
I feel that no relationship is immune to having arguments or disagreements however, there is a limit. Sometimes you just have to walk away and come back later.

~Communication is key
It's one of the major factors in making a relationship work and allowing for progress within the relationship. And I don't mean the slamming the door, breaking dishes (no pun intended. Ri Ri does have a song called Breakin' Dishes), and yelling kind of communication either. I mean the choosing the convenient time and place that is comfortable for both parties involved to openly express emotions.

~Seek counseling
Unfortunately, some don't know how to control their anger. However, what about counseling people. I hate it when people shy away from counseling or make it seem like you have to be crazy to go to seek professional help. I loved that Kevin Powell said that he went to counseling for 20 years and he continues to go because it gives him the daily strength he needs. He also made a point that counseling helps to "get to the root of what causes one to be angry so that one can heal."

My final thoughts are that there are various forms of abuse besides physical. There's also emotional and verbal abuse. Words can be equally painful as a hit and punch. This is serious. I's not a joke.

By the way, I do believe that one can redeem themselves if they are guilty of being an abuser. The person just has to WANT to get better.

Also, if you missed the show I will try to post snippets or you can just go to O's website.

'Til next time spread the word and share some love!

Lots of Hugs and tons of Smooches!


  1. Hey Ebony! I'm adding you to my blogroll...I love your posts...stay tuned for my post about the Rihanna/Chris Brown situation too.

  2. Thanks for the support...please visit frequently...I will vist your page as well...Love :-)
