Tuesday, November 11, 2008


A friend of mine says " What are you so happy about? What are the smiles for?" I replied "Obama won. A change has come and it's time for reinvention!" For him, this was not such a great reason to smile although he voted for Obama. He just sees him as another Black man. He does not see this so called CHANGE.

In response to his comment, I say that yes there is one change that we see so far, and that is witnessing a Black man being elected as President of America. However, this does not take away from what America has done to Black people as a whole. Yes Blacks have been held back from earned wealth and education, but let's move forward.

Not forget but forward.

Let's prove that we are entitled to what has been denied to us time and time again. Of course, it doesn't take just a Black President to make things happen. Communities make things happen. Unifying with one another makes people take us seriously. Mr. President Obama is just the skin of the apple. The flesh and the core are his young and gifted followers/believers that will transform this country into a place where Blacks can feel like they belong 100%.

1 comment:

  1. I truly agree with this blog. We focus on the wrong things and never get to the core issues, like change. Moving forward is all we can do.
