Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am usually claustrophobic when it comes to a large crowd and a small space. However, I was not going to miss last night's victory in Harlem. The celebration in Harlem is the biggest celebration in a public space that I have been to in a long time. Young and old, Black, White, Asian, and Hispanic were out in the masses. There was tons of hugging, dancing, screaming, shouting, and of course tears of joy streaming down the faces of many. No one could hold back their emotions. Sam Cooke was right when he said that a "change was gonna come." And my God it did. They shouted "Yes we CAN!" Then it was quickly changed to "Yes we DID."

I am beyond ecstatic that Barack Obama is the first Black president of the United States. It is so amazing that Barack did not run for President as a "Black man." He ran for president as a Colorless husband and father who had a dream of making an impact on his country. Throughout this year long campaign, Obama played like a true champion. He was composed and respectful of the Republican party. Although the Republican party used various tactics to try to sabotage him, Barack chose to remain on the "high road" by refusing to retaliate.

It is relieving to have someone like Barack in this position. To see someone that the majority friends, family, and I can relate to is more than a dream come true. I feel honored to have this privilege. It is exuberant to know that there is someone different from the monolithic images that we see of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson (Don't get me wrong I support these leaders, but we are progressing and so should our goals and tactics). I call on all Black and non Black Americans to give Obama the support that he will need during his entire term. We cannot stop here. We must reinvent ourselves. The change starts with each individual person, then it extends and trickles down to other people. There should be no more excuses for not doing anything to better yourself and your spirits. You can achieve anything you want!

After last night's victory, I regained a new and deeper respect for a Black man and the Black family unit. I respect my Black brothers, but at times when I see the the reinforcement of the negative images of a Black man being an abset father, felon, drug dealer, "ghetto" and many other expletives, I begin to internalize these thoughts. In turn, I believe them because its all that you see. But as of yesterday, I believe that Barack's victory will dispel all of these negative stereotypes and uplift the Black man. I am hoping that all Black men can gain a sense of trust in their government. I also hope that they will have the confidence that is needed to know that they are Kings and they hold the key to their success.

A Black man is a powerful being and second to God he is the leader of the family. When I see Obama, Michelle and their two lovely daughters it gives me hope that I too can have a solid family structure that is unbreakable. Coming from a broken family with only my mother as the leader 100% of the time, I lost faith that I would ever be able to have a wonderful husband and children. Broken family units definitely outweigh the "perfect" ones in my world. The closest tight knit family that most lower to middles class families from my neighborhood seen were the Huxtables. They certainly were not tangible.

When I would see shows based on weddings. I would always hear women, mainly white, say that they "always dreamed of marrying the man of their dreams and being a princess since they were younger." For me, this was not a thought. Recently I begin to think of these things. The concept of living the American dream with the beautiful family and the house with the white picket fence was certainly not an item on my check list. Not because I did not want it, but because I did not think it could be possible. However, it is possible. Now that Barack is President it is time for those degrading images we see of Black families to change to something positive so that Black girls and boys can dream of finding happiness within themselves and their family.

Of course, nothing happens over night. Progression takes time. Barack has a lot of mess to clean up in that White House. However, we will do it together. We have to continue to be excited and willing to make a change.

Let's not just talk about it, let's be about it!

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