Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Neon orange suit: $200 and up.

Shiny, bright, red lipstick: $20 and up.

Electrifying speech: priceless.

Hillary Clinton hit the "nail on the head" with her energetic and hopeful speech.

"No way, no how, no McCain."

Hillary's tactic was to turn her supporters into advocates of Barack by reiterating that McCain is not going to be any different from Bush. She jokingly says "It's fitting that the two men will be in the Twin Cities in Minnesota because these days, they're awfully hard to tell apart."

She told Americans to look at the current state the country is in due to the Bush administration. She conveyed that we need to vote for the Democratic party because that is who cares about women, the health system, and uplifting the middle class.

Hillary further displayed her loyalty to the Obama's by throwing out the comment that Michelle Obama is a great wife.

Whether you support Barack Obama or not, you can't deny that his wife and he are unshakable. Those two together are a force that can't be reckoned.

Like the Obama's, the Clinton's are solid as well (although Bill strayed away). Although Hillary is no longer in the race, hopefully there will be room for her to work in the White House with Barack and Biden somewhere in the future.

Even though Hillary did a good job, she still fell short by failing to promote Obama's vices more. Instead of noting why she ran for president, she should have given Barack Obama more praise.

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