Saturday, March 21, 2009

Weekend in Review

Twitter who? Twitter what? Oh, you mean Tweety Bird

So this weekend I went to a convention for the National Association of Black Journalist, which featured Michaela Angela Davis, Gary Anthony Ramsay, Myorr Janha, and Marvet Britto, just to name a few.

And would you believe that one of the discussions was about Facebook, MySpace, Linked In, and Twitter? When one of the moderators mentioned twitter someone laughs, “Twitter what?!” There were various sniggles within the room. Then a young lady stood and said that she was actually twittering about the conference while the panelists were speaking.

The moderator goes on to explain that the purpose of Twitter is to connect with others so that they can know what you are doing in real time. Me being curious and willing to progress just as fast as the tech world, I decided to join as soon as I returned home later that evening to see what all of the fuss is about.

Isn’t this a bit invasive? Do you really want to know every single move of a person? Is your life so dull and monotonous that you have to live through someone else’s eyes? Or is there something else that you get out of this?

Come to think of it, America is based on invading someone else’s privacy. We do it all of the time. Just look at the front cover of any newspaper or magazine. It’s all based on someone else’s life. Let’s face it people want to feel important. Twitter allows the average person to feel just as special as a celebrity. Once you join Twitter you transform into a journalist, and become the narrator of your own life. No one has to go behind your back, or get the info from another source. You get the info straight from the “horse’s mouth.”

I do not prefer to know that you ate oatmeal for breakfast. Instead, I want to know things like whose wife is sleeping with the mailman, or whose husband is sleeping with the intern? Ha ha, so I guess that I am just as bad.

So far, it seems like Twitter is a great tool to stay connected. I am still getting the hang of it. So is Twitter hot or not?

Go to to check it out. Please be sure to leave me some comments because you may know more about this than I do, and I need as much info about it that you can give me.


  1. Twitter is hot! Come follow me girl! EssenceDiva lol...This is a great post. I think it is a great tool to stay connected to people with similar interest and to gain inspiration from others along the same path. On my twitter account I am friends with P.Diddy, Erykah Badu, and June Ambrose among others, and when I sign on they are delivering a positives message, so for me it serves as a pick me up. This however is bad news for the traditional media esp newspapers and magazines. With sites like twitter and all of these blogs I'm not sure if either will be around much longer.

  2. great post! i'm on the fence about twitter, but now with the new facebook i don't think i need twitter. i totally agree...i think it makes people feel more important. hope you have fun twittering! great job with the blog!

  3. Twitter huh!? I heard twitter is alive and kicking. I cant speak from my personal experience. Soon imma join the twitter family and SHAKE UP THE WORLD! good article girl!!!

  4. Digging the blog. Glad you're back. You took a little hiatus on us. I've heard the buzz about the new site, Twitter. I have noy yet jumped on the Twitter bandwagon, but i soon will make my move over there. Gotta see what all the hype is about. So Eb, I'll catch you on "The Twit"

  5. I like the line about truly transforming into a journalist by being the narrator of your life but I still don't understand its purpose. Why do my friends need to know what I'm doing, where I'm going and visa versa?

  6. Miss Logan I am still so confused as well. I wish that someone would explain it more thoroughly. Am or slow?! Cuz I just dont get it?
