Thursday, March 26, 2009

Viva Viagra! Are TV Commercials Bias to Men?

I’m not one to watch TV commercials but lately I have been paying attention to them because sometimes they are funny. However, the comical one’s didn’t catch my eye yesterday, it was the "serious" commercials about health issues that made me wonder. Is men’s health taken as serious as women’s? The commercials that air the most pertain to women being on top of their healthcare by getting regular pap smears, getting the HPV vaccine, or birth control (YAZ). The commercials that are aired for men are about Viagra or Cialis. For me, it suggest that men are only concerned with their sexual performance rather than their overall health.

Am I the only one who thinks this?

It’s just food for thought, you can do the dishes (I don’t want to mess up my nails).


  1. Interesting. I think general male population is more concerned with performance and women have been stereotypically painted as the one's who are concerned with health issues. Not saying it's right, but just how I perceive the "typical" male or female looking at it. Wack.

    This post kinda reminded me of one I did a while back:

  2. I totally agree. It seems that not only men, but the media is only concerned with the enhancement of the a man's sex drive or activity. But a woman's overall health is stressed. The only other advertisement that I have seen that even hints at a man's health are the "Wrap-It-Up" commercials which suggest that both men and women get tested for HIV. But again, the main issue is SEX because they also try to convince people to use condoms. Where are the ads that point at men getting regular checkups for prostate cancer, strokes, heart attacks, high blood pressure, etc. Something has to be done about this.

    Great post. Keep them coming!!

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