Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Yesterday evening I had the privilege to take the most fantastic Cardio Body Toning class. The class was full of estrogen. There were no men in site besides the instructor Mack. There were about 50 women of all ages and races that filled up the room.

At first, I thought this is going to be easy and boring. Mack instructed us to do the usual which is to get a mat and grab some weights. Then I knew for sure that it was going to be the typical exercise class that the instructor begrudgingly gets through with mediocre workouts that a baby can do.

After everyone settled in, Mack turned the CD player on and Diana Ross belted out "I'm Coming Out." At that moment,
Mack transformed into a drill sergeant, and we each felt the pain. It was a pain like no other. It was pleasurable and definitely wanted.

What made it enjoyable was hearing the tunes that were being played. He played tunes like Cheryl Lynn's "Got to be Real," Madonna's "Like A Virgin," Sheila E's "Glamorous Life," and many more that we all sung while lunging and squatting.

While doing a chest press, I looked in the mirror to peek to see what the other women in class were doing. Seeing the smiles and the unity made me fee
l empowered. I know that it is "weird" to think of this while suffering from excruciating pain, but I felt good to be a woman.
I was doing something for me for a change. Getting in tune with my mind, body, and soul and pushing it to the next level.

What was the last thing that you done that made your feel awesome? Is there any hobby/activity that you do daily that makes you feel like you're "sitting on top of the world?"

1 comment:

  1. Actually, I am happy that you wrote this blog about boot camp work outs because I recently too one in Rochdale Queens last week Thursday and I went there tired and worn out and I left energized and full of life and decided to make it a part of my lifestly and workout routine. This blog definitely hit home. Thanks Eb
